Domestic Economy

Economic Problems Laid Bare

Economic Problems Laid Bare
Economic Problems Laid Bare

The World Bank reduced the economic growth forecast of Iran in 2022 from 3.3% to 2.9% in its latest report. It has also predicted that the country’s economic growth in the next two years will stand at 2.2% and 1.9%, respectively, both lower than previous forecasts. 
According to the World Bank, Iran’s inflation rate this year will be 54.8%, which is higher than the previous forecast (51.2%) and the next two years’ inflation will be 44.2% and 39%, Hossein Haqgou, an economic analyst, prefaced his article for the Persian-language daily Ta’adol with this note. A translation of the rest of the text follows:
These discouraging predictions come, as the government of Ebrahim Raisi has promised to register a growth rate of above 5% and inflation rate of less than 40% for this year and an 8% growth and inflation below 20% for the coming years, as per the seventh five-year development plan. 


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