Domestic Economy

Throughput of Commercial Ports Grows by 6 Percent

Throughput of Commercial Ports Grows by 6 Percent
Throughput of Commercial Ports Grows by 6 Percent

Iran’s commercial ports handled 105.43 million tons of goods during the first six months of the current Iranian year (March 21-Sept. 22), registering a 6% rise compared with the similar period of last year. 
A total of 13.4 million tons of oil products were unloaded during the period under review to record a 6% year-on-year rise, the news portal of the Ministry of Roads and Urban Development reported citing data released by Ports and Maritime Organization of Iran. 
The unloading of non-oil products stood at 25.92 million tons, marking an 11% YOY rise. 
Unloading of oil and non-oil products combined hit 39.33 million tons, registering a 9% YOY rise. 


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