Domestic Economy

Annualized Inflation at 42.1%: SCI

The rise in prices of goods and services accelerated at an unprecedented pace, after the government decided to overhaul the import subsidy system
Annualized Inflation at 42.1%: SCI
Annualized Inflation at 42.1%: SCI

The average annualized inflation in the sixth month of the current Iranian year (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) reached 42.1%, the Statistical Center of Iran announced in a new report.
The general goods and services Consumer Price Index (using the Iranian year to March 2017 as the base year) stood at 525.4 in the month under review, indicating a month-on-month rise of 2.2% and a year-on-year rise of 49.7%.
Among 12 groups of goods and services reviewed by SCI, the highest and lowest annualized inflation rates were respectively registered for “hotels and restaurants” with 69.8% and “communications” with 5.7%.
The highest MOM inflation rates were respectively registered for “hotels and restaurants” with 4.9% and “transportation” at 0.2% month-on-month. 


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