Domestic Economy

54% Rise in Toothbrush Output

54% Rise in Toothbrush Output
54% Rise in Toothbrush Output

More than 57.23 million toothbrushes were produced in Iran during the first five months of the current fiscal year (March 21-Aug. 22), registering a 54% rise compared with the corresponding period of last year, according to the spokesperson of the Ministry of Industries, Mining and Trade.
“The number of toothbrush imports decreased by 17.5% year-on-year during the same period,” Omid Qalibaf was also quoted as saying by IRNA.
Toothbrush production increased from 22 million in the fiscal 2019-20 to 62 million in the fiscal 2021-22, while imports declined from 25 million in the fiscal 2019-20 to 11 million in the fiscal 2021-22.
“It is estimated that production will reach a record high of 100 million this year [ending March 2023],” he said.
According to Qalibaf, per capita consumption of toothbrush in the world is annually four per person. 
“For 80 million consumers, Iran needs 320 million toothbrushes annually. Therefore, we must also have imports to regulate the market of this health-oriented product,” he said.

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