Domestic Economy

Iran’s Exports to Afghanistan Decline Since Taliban Takeover

Iran’s Exports to Afghanistan Decline Since Taliban Takeover
Iran’s Exports to Afghanistan Decline Since Taliban Takeover

Iran’s exports to Afghanistan during the 11 months since the Taliban took power in the neighboring country reached 959,783 tons worth $1.48 billion, registering a 52% and 31% year-on-year decline in terms of weight and value respectively.
Imports from Afghanistan hit 21,122 tons worth $24.52 million during the same period, registering a 177% and 294% growth in terms of weight and value respectively.
In the last two decades before the Taliban takeover, after China, Iraq, Turkey and the UAE, Afghanistan was considered the fifth biggest destination of Iranian exports, but following the power shift, Iran's exports to Afghanistan have been on a downtrend, the Persian newspaper Ta’adol reported.


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