Domestic Economy

Exports to Iraq Decline by 15 Percent in Four Months 

Exports to Iraq Decline by 15 Percent in Four Months 
Exports to Iraq Decline by 15 Percent in Four Months 

Iran’s exports to Iraq during the first four months of the current Iranian year (March 21-July 22) registered a 15% decline compared with the similar period of last year. 
The secretary-general of Iran-Iraq Chamber of Commerce says there are three main reasons for the decline, with the main one being import restrictions set by Iraqi authorities.
“Every year, Iraq imposes a seasonal import ban on certain products with the aim of supporting domestic production. These are mainly agricultural products. Usually in the second half of the year when these restrictions are lifted, our exports to this western neighbor increases,” Jahanbakhsh Sanjabi Shirazi was also quoted as saying by Fars News Agency.


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