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Domestic Economy

Iran's Q1 Trade With Latin American States at $55 Million

Iran traded 17,703 tons of non-oil goods worth $55.76 million with Latin American countries in the first quarter of the current fiscal year (March 21-June 21), latest data released by the Islamic Republic of Iran Customs Administration show.

The country exported goods to only nine Latin American countries and imported from only six of 33 Latin American countries during the period.

Trade with Brazil stood at 16,899 tons worth $41.6 million, for the Latin American country to top the list of Iran’s partners in the region. It was followed by Cuba with 140 kilograms worth $11.57 million and Venezuela with 213 tons worth $1.49 million.

Iran’s exports totaled 833 tons worth $2.84 million during the period under review.

Venezuela topped the list of export destinations among Latin American nations with 213 tons worth $1.49 million. It was followed by Brazil with 263 tons worth $814,299 and Chile with 82 tons worth $338,972.

Imports, which stood at 16,870 tons worth $52.92 million during the period under review, mainly came from Brazil with 16,636 tons worth $40.79 million, Cuba with 140 kg worth 11.57 million and Mexico with 112 tons worth $220,172 worth of goods.

Iran-Latin America trade stood at 1.73 million tons worth $1.25 billion in the fiscal 2021-22.



Iran to Replace Ukraine With Brazil to Supply Animal Feed

Brazil will replace Ukraine as a supplier of raw materials for animal feed production and measures have been taken to start importing from the South America country from the coming months, the CEO of Iran Animal Farmers National Union said recently.

“The conflict between Ukraine and Russia, as well as the worldwide drought, has made the supply of livestock and poultry feed a challenge for almost all countries, including ours, which has prompted officials to take measures to prevent a shortage of animal feed in the domestic market,” Mojtaba Aali was also quoted as saying by ILNA.

The official noted that the government began talks with the Brazilian side more than six months ago to prepare the grounds for barter trade.

A total of 15.5 million tons worth $6.47 billion of raw materials for the production of animal feed were imported during the 11 months to Feb. 19, registering an 11% and 51% rise in weight and value respectively compared with the corresponding period of the preceding year, data released by the Livestock and Poultry Feed Importers Union show.

Over 856 million tons of field corn worth $2.95 billion were imported during the period, registering a 7% decline in volume and a 28% increase in value year-on-year.

A total of 2.11 million tons of soybeans worth $1.38 billion and 2.27 million tons of soymeal worth $1.24 billion were imported, indicating a 59% and 17% growth in value and weight respectively compared with the corresponding period of last year

Barley imports stood at 3 million tons worth $895.96 million, registering a 76% and 112% rise in weight and value respectively YOY.

According to CEO of Livestock, Poultry and Fish Feed Factories Association Majid Jafari, Iranian producers of animal feed have the capacity to produce 22-25 million tons per year, yet they are working at around 30% of their full capacity.

Domestic annual demand stands at 12-15 million tons, he added.