Domestic Economy

Tehran Province Exports to 160 Countries

Tehran Province Exports to 160 Countries
Tehran Province Exports to 160 Countries

A total of $400 million worth of non-oil goods were exported from Tehran Province to 160 countries during the first four months of the current Iranian year (March 21-July 22), registering a 33.78% rise compared with the similar period of last year, according to a local official.
"Our top five export destinations were Turkey, Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, and the UAE," Hassan Mirzayi was quoted by ISNA as saying.
The official noted that Tehran Province accounted for 2.32% of Iran's total non-oil exports during the four months under review.
During the same period, he added, $3.27 billion worth of goods were imported into the province.
The imports mostly included industrial machinery, production raw materials, computer parts and mobile phones.
The UAE, China, Turkey, Germany and Switzerland were the main exporters.

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