Domestic Economy

Iran's Monthly Foreign Trade Hit $8.9b

A total of 7.99 million tons of goods, excluding crude oil exports, worth $4.17 billion were exported from Iran during the month to July 22, registering a 2% and 24% year-on-year growth in weight and value respectively
Iran's Monthly Foreign Trade Hit $8.9b
Iran's Monthly Foreign Trade Hit $8.9b

Iran’s foreign trade, excluding crude oil exports, stood at 10.99 million tons worth $8.94 billion during the fourth month of the current fiscal year (June 22-July 22), registering an 8% fall in weight but a 19% increase in value compared with the corresponding period of last year, according to the spokesperson of the Islamic Republic of Iran Customs Administration.
A total of 7.99 million tons of goods, excluding crude oil exports, worth $4.17 billion were exported from Iran during the period, registering a 2% and 24% growth in weight and value respectively compared with the similar period of last year.
“China with $1.4 billion worth of imports was our biggest export destination, followed by the UAE with $619 million, Iraq with $574 million, Turkey with $323 million and India with $143 million,” Rouhollah Latifi was also quoted as saying by IRNA.


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