Domestic Economy

ICCIMA Surveys Outcome of Eliminating Import Subsidy 

ICCIMA Surveys Outcome of Eliminating Import Subsidy 
ICCIMA Surveys Outcome of Eliminating Import Subsidy 

Iran Chamber of Commerce, Industries, Mines and Agriculture recently conducted a survey on the impact of eliminating import subsidies for 115 manufacturing and services enterprises.
These enterprises were active in the fields of dairy, oil, bread, flour, meat and chicken production (over 91% of these businesses procured more than 55% of their raw materials using subsidized foreign currencies).
The survey showed 93% of these businesses are expecting to see the end prices of their products or services to increase by an average 134%. This is while the end price of some essential goods and agricultural products is essential to increase by 70% to 438%. 
The prices of goods and services accelerated at an unprecedented pace after the government decided to overhaul the import subsidy system.


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