Domestic Economy

Housing Expenses Average 60-70% of Urban Household Spending

Housing Expenses Average 60-70% of Urban Household Spending
Housing Expenses Average 60-70% of Urban Household Spending

Housing-related expenses averaged 60-70% of urban household spending, according to the head of Majlis Research Center, a parliamentary think tank.
“The world average is 18%, which ranges from 15-25%,” Babak Negahdari was also quoted as saying by IRNA.
The average price of residential buildings in Tehran was 414.09 million rials ($1,302) per square meter in the third month of the current fiscal year (May 22-June 21), recent data released by the Statistical Center of Iran show. 
Among the capital city’s 22 districts, District 1 registered the highest average apartment price with 784.47 million rials ($2,466) per square meter. 


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