Domestic Economy

Local Rice Production Meets 70 Percent of Domestic Demand

Local Rice Production Meets 70 Percent of Domestic Demand
Local Rice Production Meets 70 Percent of Domestic Demand

Rice consumption in Iran currently stands around 3 million tons per year, 70% of which are supplied through domestic production, according to a deputy agriculture minister.
“The ministry plans to increase local production by contract-based cultivation, distributing enough high-quality inputs, including fertilizer and pesticide, and providing high-yield seeds to farmers,” Alireza Mohajer was also quoted as saying by IRIB News.
The official noted that the government’s other plan is to increase the mechanization coefficient in rice production.
Contract-based cultivation of rice has been launched in Iran this year (started March 21) for the first time and more than 6,322 hectares of paddy fields have joined the scheme so far, the CEO of the Central Organization for Rural Cooperatives, affiliated with the Agriculture Ministry, said in April.


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