Domestic Economy

Khazar Sea Shipping Lines Expanding Reach in Caspian Sea and Beyond

Khazar Sea Shipping Lines Expanding Reach in Caspian Sea and Beyond
Khazar Sea Shipping Lines Expanding Reach in Caspian Sea and Beyond

Transit of goods by Khazar Sea Shipping Lines increased by 162% in the fiscal 2021-22, thanks to the unwavering support lent by the Islamic Republic of Iran Shipping Lines. 
According to Davoud Tafti, the managing director of Khazar Sea Shipping Lines, an IRISL subsidiary, now operates weekly container shipping services on the China-Kazakhstan-Iran container route.
“Khazar Sea Shipping Lines has found new transit markets. For example, it carried 3,213 vehicles in 2021-22, registering a 346% growth compared with the year before. Container throughput reached 9,389 TEU [twenty-foot equivalent unit] last year, indicating a 63% growth. Bulk and general shipping also increased by 21% to reach 1.16 million tons,” he was quoted as saying by Mehr News Agency. 


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