Domestic Economy

1.1 Million SMEs Entitled to Full Tax Exemption: INTA

The lump-sum tax of 80% of SMEs will not be more than 50 million rials ($156), that of 400,000 taxpayers will be between 50 and 200 million rials ($622) and only 100,000 businesses will be taxed over 200 million rials
1.1 Million SMEs Entitled to Full Tax Exemption: INTA
1.1 Million SMEs Entitled to Full Tax Exemption: INTA

The lump-sum tax rate of 1.1 million small- and medium-sized enterprises has been set at zero, the head of the Iranian National Tax Administration, Davoud Manzour, tweeted on Friday. 
“The lump-sum tax of 80% of SMEs will not be more than 50 million rials ($156), that of 400,000 taxpayers will be between 50 and 200 million rials ($622) and only 100,000 businesses will be taxed more than 200 million rials,” he added. 
INTA has required businesses whose sales exceeded 48 billion rials ($149,300) in 2021-22 to declare their earnings for taxation.


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