Domestic Economy

Textile Products Worth $4.5 Billion Smuggled Into Iran in Fiscal 2021-22

Iran’s textile and clothing supply chain, with more than 7,900 industrial units, 140,000 trade guilds and 1 million workers only in the production sector, continues to be undermined by smuggling
Textile Products Worth $4.5 Billion Smuggled Into Iran in Fiscal 2021-22
Textile Products Worth $4.5 Billion Smuggled Into Iran in Fiscal 2021-22

About $4.5 billion worth of textile products were smuggled into Iran in the last fiscal year (March 2021-22), according to Abbas Sarshar, a board member of Iran’s Textile Industry Union.
“The figure shows an 18.4% rise compared with $3.8 billion in the year before,” he was quoted as saying by IRIB News.
According to the official, Iran’s textile industry exports $1 billion worth of products every year.
“Machine-made carpets account for close to 90% of this volume,” he added.
About $17-18 billion worth of goods are smuggled in and out of Iran annually, the head of the Headquarters to Combat Smuggling of Goods and Foreign Currencies said recently.


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