Domestic Economy

Iran Eyes Joint Locomotive Production With Siemens

Presently, Iran has 14,000 kilometers of railroads and an additional 4,000 kilometers are under construction, but the country needs to expand its fleet of wagons and locomotives
Iran Eyes Joint Locomotive Production With Siemens
Iran Eyes Joint Locomotive Production With Siemens

Tehran is hosting the Ninth International Exhibition of Rail Transportation, Equipment and Related Industries.
The four-day event, held at Tehran’s International Fairground, will conclude on May 27.
A total of 90 domestic companies, four foreign companies and 19 knowledge-based firms are participating in this expo to showcase their products and services over an area of 7,000 square meters, of which 1,167 square meters pertain to knowledge-based companies.
The event has been organized for promoting marketing, innovations and sharing of experiences between the public and private sectors, in addition to signing contracts. 


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