Domestic Economy

16 Industrial Products Register Growth in Output in 11 Months

16 Industrial Products Register Growth in Output in 11 Months
16 Industrial Products Register Growth in Output in 11 Months

The Ministry of Industries, Mining and Trade's review of the last Iranian year’s first 11 months (March 21, 2021-Feb. 19) indicates the output of 11 products (out of 28 under review) registered a year-on-year rise.
Production of trucks, mini trucks and vehicle pullers hit 10,056, up 70.3% YOY, while a total of 2,255 buses, minibuses and vans were manufactured, up 28.6%.
Leather products amounted to 53 million square feet, up 39.5%.
Vegetable oil production stood at 1.85 million tons, up 30.1% YOY.


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