Domestic Economy

Dates Exported to 85 Countries

Iran is the biggest exporter of dates in the world and the second biggest producer after Egypt
Dates Exported to 85 Countries
Dates Exported to 85 Countries

A total of 388,405 tons of different types of dates worth $296 million were exported from Iran to 85 countries in the last Iranian year (March 2020-21), according to the head of the Agriculture and Food Industries Commission of Iran Chamber of Cooperatives.
India, Malaysia and Russia were the main destinations, exports to which accounted for 16%, 11% and 9.9% of Iran’s total date sales respectively during the period. 
“Other destinations were Pakistan, Afghanistan, Turkey, the UAE, Kazakhstan, Germany, the Netherlands, Sweden, Poland and the UK,” Arsalan Qasemi was also quoted as saying by IRNA.
According to Rouhollah Latifi, spokesman of the Islamic Republic of Iran Customs Administration, 38,152 tons of dates worth $211.64 million were exported from Iran in the fiscal 2019-20.


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