Domestic Economy

Tehran’s Iconic Commercial Building Reopens Five Years After Deadly Fire

Tehran’s Iconic Commercial Building Reopens Five Years After Deadly Fire
Tehran’s Iconic Commercial Building Reopens Five Years After Deadly Fire

A new Plasco building was officially inaugurated on Friday by Parviz Fattah, the head of the Mostazafan Foundation of Islamic Revolution. 
The inauguration comes about five years after the 17-storey commercial tower located on Jomhouri Street, Iran’s oldest high-rise and an iconic structure in downtown Tehran, built in 1962, caught fire on Jan. 19, 2017, and was completely destroyed. The Plasco was home to 560 commercial outlets, IRNA reported.
Damage caused by the fire was estimated at 15 trillion rials (over $58 million at the current exchange rate) by the head of Iran Chamber of Guilds, Ali Fazeli.
"Unfortunately, a majority of the units were not insured," he added.


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