Domestic Economy

70% Growth in Transit Volume

70% Growth in Transit Volume
70% Growth in Transit Volume

About 11.3 million tons of foreign goods were transited through Iran during the current Iranian year’s first 11 months (March 21, 2021-Feb. 19), registering a 70% rise compared with the similar period of last year, according to the spokesperson of the Islamic Republic of Iran Customs Administration.
“We expect the transit volume to reach 12.4 million tons by the [fiscal] yearend [March 20],” Rouhollah Latifi was also quoted as saying by IRNA.
Last year, he added, and the year before (fiscal 2020-21 and 2019-20), only around 7.5 million tons of goods were transited through the country, noting that the reasons for this year’s increase are the lifting of most restrictions over Covid-19, the government’s establishment of stronger political and economic ties with neighboring countries and the better cooperation of different bodies.  


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