Domestic Economy

Heavy Truck Traffic at Iran-Azerbaijan Border

Heavy Truck Traffic at Iran-Azerbaijan Border
Heavy Truck Traffic at Iran-Azerbaijan Border

Long lines of trucks behind the Astara customs terminal, a border crossing between Iran and Azerbaijan Republic, have formed in recent days, most of which are carrying transit and export goods to Azerbaijan and Russia from Iran.
Noting that the serpentine logjam of trucks is several kilometers long, Javad Hedayati, an official with the Road Maintenance and Transportation Organization of Iran, says the main reason for the long line is that because of the holdup of trucks crossing form Azerbaijan to Russia, Azerbaijani officials are limiting the entry of trucks at Astara to prevent heavy traffic at the Russian border.
The official noted that truck traffic is seasonally at its peak at Astara border during this time of year when truckloads of citrus fruit and kiwis from the northern provinces of Iran and other agricultural products from the country's southern provinces are exported to Azerbaijan and the Eurasian Economic Union member states.


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