Domestic Economy

Direct Container Shipping Routes Launched From Chabahar to India

Direct Container Shipping Routes Launched From Chabahar to India
Direct Container Shipping Routes Launched From Chabahar to India

Two direct container shipping lines have been launched from Iran’s Chabahar Port to India’s Jawaharlal Nehru Port and Kandla Port. 
The first container vessel to use these routes is scheduled to dock at Chabahar Port on Feb. 16, according to the caretaker of Ports and Maritime Organization’s Economic Affairs Department.
“Shipping on these routes will be in collaboration with the Islamic Republic of Iran Shipping Line Group and take container ships between 10 and 15 days to travel between the ports of Iran and India,” Jalil Eslami was also quoted as saying by IRNA.
The official noted that PMO plans to grant incentives and discounts on tariffs and shipping fees on these routes.


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