Domestic Economy

Iran’s Q1-3 Essential Imports Top $14b

Iran’s Q1-3 Essential Imports Top $14b
Iran’s Q1-3 Essential Imports Top $14b

A total of 23.05 million tons of essential goods worth $14.14 billion were imported into Iran during the first nine months of the current fiscal year (March 21-Dec. 21), according to the newly-appointed head of the Islamic Republic of Iran Customs Administration.
Also known as necessity or basic goods, essential goods are products consumers will buy, regardless of changes in income levels. 
“Seven commodities weighing around 20.17 million tons and valued at $11.14 billion in total were imported using subsidized foreign currency at the rate of 42,000 rials per dollar, registering a respective rise of 36% and 83% compared with the similar period of last year,” Alireza Moqaddasi was quoted as saying by Fars News Agency.


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