Domestic Economy

Obstacles to Entrepreneurship

Obstacles to Entrepreneurship
Obstacles to Entrepreneurship

In their book “Rich Dad, Poor Dad”, Robert Kiyosaki and Sharon Lechter convey one message to young jobseekers: The only way to create wealth (real, financial or human assets) is by becoming an entrepreneur and not being an employee. 
In other words, investment or self-employment is the only way to financial salvation which, of course, is different in Iran, said Mehrad Ebad, a member of Iran Chamber of Commerce, Industries, Mines and Agriculture, in his write-up for the news portal of Tehran Chamber of Commerce, Industries, Mines and Agriculture.  A translation of his write-up follows:
In Iranian schools, students are taught to study and receive various degrees so that they are able to eventually land a job with a decent income. This approach runs counter to what’s needed to nurture an entrepreneur.


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