Domestic Economy

Iran’s Rail Connectivity to Europe: Turkey Throwing Wrench in the Works

Iran’s Rail Connectivity to Europe: Turkey Throwing Wrench in the Works
Iran’s Rail Connectivity to Europe: Turkey Throwing Wrench in the Works

Iran, located geographically at the crossroads of East and West, has been making efforts for years to build up its rail connections to neighboring countries, or build new railroads to complete its transit routes along the ancient Silk Road.
The country’s three options that can provide the missing East-West missing links are Iran-Turkey (Razi-Van), Iran-Russia (via Caucasia) and Iran-Iraq-Syria. Each of these routes has its own problems to overcome before trains can roll across them, traversing numerous international borders along the fastest, most cost-effective corridor linking China to Europe and the Americas. 
Ali Ziyaei, a transportation expert, told Fars News Agency that for decades, Turkey has stamped out Iran’s plans to create a transit route passing through its territory...


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