Domestic Economy

5.3m Tons of Essential Goods Supplied in Nine Months

5.3m Tons of Essential Goods Supplied in Nine Months
5.3m Tons of Essential Goods Supplied in Nine Months

A total of 5.36 million tons of essential goods were transported from Iran’s southern and northern ports to destinations across the country’s 31 provinces during the current fiscal year’s first nine months (March 21-Dec. 21).
The announcement was made by the director general of Commercial Services Coordination Department with the Government Trading Corporation.
“These goods included 4.14 million tons of imported wheat, 421,000 tons of rice, 717,000 tons of unrefined sugar and 84,000 tons of unrefined vegetable oil that were delivered through 195,000 consignments via rail and road to provinces to be stored or distributed in local markets,” Siavash Hosseinpour was also quoted as saying by Mizan Online. 
Also known as necessity goods, essential goods are products consumers will buy, regardless of changes in income levels. 
The goods were imported through the ports of Khuzestan, Hormozgan, Bushehr and Sistan-Baluchestan provinces in the south and Gilan and Mazandaran provinces in the north. 

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