Domestic Economy

Expert Warns About Consequences of Earthquake in Tehran

Expert Warns About Consequences of Earthquake in Tehran
Expert Warns About Consequences of Earthquake in Tehran

Tehran experiences a major earthquake every 165 years on average with magnitudes ranging from 5 to 7.5, says Akramossadat Alijanzadeh, an expert with the Geodesy and Geodynamic Department, affiliated to the National Cartography Center of Iran.
The official was also quoted as saying by the Persian daily Etemad that the last quake to hit the capital had a magnitude of 7 in 1830.
“Some 170 public buildings, 26 hospitals, 115 clinics, 10 universities, 500 schools and educational centers, 45 gas stations, 11 fire stations, 47 shopping malls and 36 hotels are located on the fault line of Tehran Province,” she said.


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