Domestic Economy

IRICA Takes Account of Afghanistan Borders’ Passenger Traffic

IRICA Takes Account of Afghanistan Borders’ Passenger Traffic
IRICA Takes Account of Afghanistan Borders’ Passenger Traffic

In the past five days, less than 9,000 foreign nationals have entered Iran and about 5,000 left the country from Iran’s three border crossings with Afghanistan, namely Mahiroud, Milak and Dogharoun, Rouhollah Latifi, spokesman of the Islamic Republic of Iran Customs Administration, said on Nov. 15.
Latifi explained that about 70 Afghan nationals cross Mahiroud border into Iran and about 30 leave each day.
In total, about 400 people have entered and less than 200 people have left the Mahiroud border in the last five days, the news portal of Iran Chamber of Commerce, Industries, Mines and Agriculture reported.


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