Domestic Economy

SCI Sizes Up Iran’s Official Jobs Market

SCI Sizes Up Iran’s Official Jobs Market
SCI Sizes Up Iran’s Official Jobs Market

The Statistical Center of Iran has released data on Iran’s official job market in the current Iranian year (started March 21). 
According to the findings, 59.9% of the employed population ages 15 and above were holding jobs in the official sector of the economy in 2020-21, indicating a 0.8% increase year-on-year. 
In some developing countries such as Turkey and Brazil, the share stands at 71.1% and 67% compared with 36.9% and 48.3% in Egypt and Indonesia, respectively. 
The employed population in the official sector was 13.94 million people in the year ending March 2021, 397,000 fewer compared to the previous year. 


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