Domestic Economy

Khorramshahr Port Throughput at 1.59m Tons in 7 Months

Khorramshahr Port Throughput at 1.59m Tons in 7 Months
Khorramshahr Port Throughput at 1.59m Tons in 7 Months

A total of 1.59 million tons of commodities were loaded and unloaded in Khuzestan Province’s Khorramshahr Port during the first seven months of the current Iranian year (March 21-Oct. 22), according to the director general of the southern city’s Ports and Maritime Organization.
“Imports over the period under review increased by 21% compared with the similar period of last year. Among our main imported products were 1,465 automobiles, showing a 20% year-on-year rise,” Nourollah Asadi was also quoted as saying by the news portal of the Ministry of Roads and Urban Development.
The official did not provide any figures on exports from Khorramshahr Port during the period.


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