Domestic Economy

Mazandaran Exports Top $130m

Mazandaran Exports Top $130m
Mazandaran Exports Top $130m

Exports from Mazandaran Province stood at 447,000 tons worth $134.72 million in the current fiscal year’s first six months (March 21-Sept. 22), registering a 27% and 45% growth in weight and value respectively year-on-year, according to a local official, Ali Yousefi-Manesh.
Cement, minerals, kerosene, crude oil, paper and metals, as well as dairy, wooden, plastic and food products, were the main export products, IRNA reported.
Russia, Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan, Iraq and Romania were the main destinations.
The exports were mainly shipped from Noshahr, Amirabad, Fereydounkenar, Sari and Amol customs terminals of the Caspian province.


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