Domestic Economy

Agro Sector Alone Registered Negative Growth in 1st Quarter

According to the Statistical Center of Iran, the drought-hit sector contracted by 4.5% while the Central Bank of Iran says it shrank by 0.9%
Agro Sector Alone Registered Negative Growth in 1st Quarter
Agro Sector Alone Registered Negative Growth in 1st Quarter

Agriculture was the only economic sector in Iran to have experienced negative growth in the first quarter of the current Iranian year that started on March 21.
According to the Statistical Center of Iran, the drought-hit sector contracted by 4.5% while the Central Bank of Iran believes it shrank by 0.9%.
In contrast, SCI said “industries and mines” and “services” grew by 13.8% and 4.5%, while CBI said these reached 2.1% and 7%, respectively.
Iran’s agriculture sector is facing a threat of water shortage.


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