Domestic Economy

Drastic Fall in Stationery Demand

Drastic Fall in Stationery Demand
Drastic Fall in Stationery Demand

Domestic demand for stationery has declined by 60-70% since the outbreak of the Covid-19 pandemic around two years ago, which saw schools and universities closing down, according to the head of Tehran’s Stationery Sellers Association.
“At present, stationery factories are working at 30% of their capacity. These units and all businesses related to wholesaling and retailing of stationery products have been hit hard by the pandemic and their fate depends on whether schools reopen this year,” Mousa Farzaniyan was also quoted as saying by Mizan Online.
According to Farzaniyan, educational authorities have announced late November as the tentative time when schools reopen, adding that this will determine whether the stationery market could be revitalized.
“A majority of stationery production units have reduced working shifts from three to only one per day, meaning they were made to downsize their workforce. The Education Ministry has announced that universities will definitely reopen this year. This can compensate for part of the damage caused to our business, but it is still not enough.”


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