Domestic Economy

Iran's Q1 Industrial Investments Register Formidable Growth

Investment in units with establishment permits and operating licenses issued from March 21 to June 21 showed a respective growth rate of 162% and 83% compared with the similar period of last year
Iran's Q1 Industrial Investments Register Formidable Growth
Iran's Q1 Industrial Investments Register Formidable Growth

A total of 2.71 quadrillion rials ($9.86 billion) worth of investments were made in industrial units with establishment permits issued by the Ministry of Industries, Mining and Trade, while projects with operating licenses received 465.22 trillion rials ($1.69 billion) in the first quarter of the current Iranian year (March 21-June 21).
Investment volumes in industrial units with establishment permits and operating licenses show a respective growth rate of 162% and 83% compared with the similar period of last year, the latest report released by the Ministry of Industries, Mining and Trade shows...


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