Domestic Economy

Economic Lessons From Vaccine Rollout in Iran

Economic Lessons From Vaccine Rollout in Iran
Economic Lessons From Vaccine Rollout in Iran

The number of Covid-19 deaths is surging in Iran and families are worried sick about catching the virus. High-ranking political officials are now more vocal about the importance of vaccine imports than achieving self-sufficiency in producing it.
Ali Sarzaeem, an economic expert, writes in the Persian economic daily Donya-e-Eqtesad about economic lessons the country should learn from the state of the vaccine rollout. Below is a translation of the full text.
It is patently obvious that Iran has missed out the golden opportunity for the import and inoculation of Covid-19 vaccine; the country is now most vulnerable to the delta variant. 
Executive agencies are engaged in the blame game while daily Covid-19 deaths are hitting record highs. Two misguided economic thinking once again reigned over the country but this time thousands of people lost their lives as a consequence of these erroneous policies. 


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