Domestic Economy

Carrot Production to Surge by 10%

Carrot Production to Surge by 10%
Carrot Production to Surge by 10%

A total of 550,000 tons of carrots are estimated to be produced on over 12,000 hectares of farms across the country in the current Iranian year (started March 21), to register a 10% rise compared with last year, according to the director general of Vegetable and Fodder Production Bureau of Agriculture Ministry.
“Last year [March 2020-21], close to 11,000 hectares of farmland went under carrot cultivation and yields amounted to around 500,000 tons. The figure showed an 8% increase compared with the year before,” Hossein Asghari was also quoted as saying by ILNA.
The official noted that the southern Khuzestan Province, southwestern Fars Province, western Lorestan Province and northeastern East Azarbaijan Province are Iran’s carrot production hubs.
“Lately, Russia and Iraq have shown greater interest in importing Iranian carrots. Not only does Iran have the potential and capacity to produce enough of the vegetable to meet domestic demand, but it is also able to supply the needs of other countries,” he added. 
Saeed Rad, CEO of Tehran Municipality’s Grocery Store Centers, says until a few months ago, domestic demand for carrot stood at 5-10 tons per day.
“Yet, due to rumors that carrots and carrot juice have significant effects on curing Covid-19 patients, demand has surged, increasing prices to unreasonable levels. We have tried to lower the prices again and supply is being carried out as usual, but grocery centers run out of the product very quickly due to increased demand,” he added. 
The increasing number of Covid-19 cases has led to a threefold rise in carrot demand, while domestic supply has seen a fall in recent weeks, the head of board at Grocery Store Owners Union said recently.
“Covid-19 patients have taken to consume fresh fruit and vegetable juice, carrot juice in particular. The carrots supplied to the market at present are produced in the south of the country,” Mostafa Darayinejad was also quoted as saying by ILNA.
Darayinejad noted that there is a shortage of carrots in the market since the harvest season in the south is coming to an end, adding that the supply issue will be solved within the next few days when harvest begins in central provinces like Isfahan.
“Carrot prices have increased due to this imbalance in supply and demand. We hope prices will go back to normal when new yields are distributed across the country,” he said.

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