Domestic Economy

Exports of Hand-Woven Carpets on the Brink

Exports of Hand-Woven Carpets on the Brink
Exports of Hand-Woven Carpets on the Brink

Hand-woven rugs worth $5 million were exported from Iran during the first quarter of the current fiscal year (March 21-June 21), says a member of Tehran Chamber of Commerce, Industries, Mines and Agriculture.
Razi Haji-Aqamiri added that the export of hand-woven carpets is not expected to exceed $20 million by March 20, 2022, the end of the current Iranian year, whereas $60 million worth of rugs were exported last year.
Noting that in the past, Iran’s annual carpet exports neared $1.7 billion, Haji-Aqamiri said neither the governments led by former president, Hassan Rouhani, nor those before him took steps to improve carpet exports. 


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