Domestic Economy

$8.9m Invested in Public Warehouses in Fiscal 2020-21

$8.9m Invested in Public Warehouses in Fiscal 2020-21
$8.9m Invested in Public Warehouses in Fiscal 2020-21

A total of 2,300 billion rials [$8.9 million] were invested in 19 projects for the construction of public warehouses in the last fiscal year (March 2020-21), says Mohammad Reza Kia-Monfared, managing director of Iran Pubic Warehouses and Customs Services Company.
He put the capacity of public warehouses for importing goods via official borders at 7.8 million tons and said, “The sector saw a 3% growth last year despite the outbreak of coronavirus, closures of borders and sanctions,” IRNA reported. 
Fifty-five percent of commodities entering Iran via land borders and 95% of goods coming in through air freight in the year ending March 2021 were stored at the Islamic Republic of Iran Customs Administration’s public warehouses, he added. 
Noting that sea and land borders account for 80% and 10% of imports into Iran, the official said, “One percent of goods entering Iran via sea border is stored in public warehouses.” 

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