Domestic Economy

Mazandaran Ports Capacity at 13m Tons

Mazandaran Ports Capacity at 13m Tons
Mazandaran Ports Capacity at 13m Tons

The total commercial capacity of the ports of northern Mazandaran Province stands at 13 million tons, of which Amirabad accounts for 7.5 million tons, Noshahr 4.5 million tons and Fereydounkenar 1 million tons.
Ali Yousefi-Manesh, the director general of Noshahr Customs, also told Mehr News Agency that Mazandaran’s foreign trade exceeded 3.45 million tons worth $1.09 billion in the fiscal 2020-21, of which exports accounted for 745,000 tons worth $181 million and imports accounted for 2.7 million tons worth $917 million.
The first quarter of the current Iranian year saw Mazandaran handle 252,000 tons of exports, $55 million worth of goods were exported to 34 countries and 785,000 tons of goods worth $323 million were imported during the period.
“Dairy products, cement, agricultural products, minerals, rubber and kiwi were among the goods exported to 37 countries, including Russia, Iraq, Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan and the UAE, in the three months. Twenty-two types of goods, including barley, corn, oilseeds and wheat, were imported from 28 countries, namely Russia, the UAE, Turkey, Germany and Kazakhstan,” the official added.
Notably, a total of 250,000 tons of citrus fruits were exported from Mazandaran Province during the last Iranian year, showing a 60% rise compared with the year before, according to the manager of the Horticultural Affairs Department with Mazandaran Agricultural Organization.


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