Domestic Economy

IRISL Four-Month Revenues Up 66% YOY to $360 Million

IRISL Four-Month Revenues Up 66% YOY to $360 Million
IRISL Four-Month Revenues Up 66% YOY to $360 Million

The Islamic Republic of Iran Shipping Lines earned about $360 million during the first four months of the current year (March 21-July 22) to register a 66% rise in revenues compared with the corresponding period of last year.
Revenues gained through container shipping increased by 54% from $175 million of last year’s corresponding four-month period to $270 million this year, as income from bulk shipping grew by 117% from $41 million to $89 million in the current fiscal year, reported.
IRISL ranks 15th in Alphaliner’s rankings of leading carriers with a consolidated capacity of over 148,000 TEUs and a 0.6% share of global shipping.
The shipping line ranks first in Iran’s transportation industry.


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