Domestic Economy

SCI Surveys Monthly Food Inflation Rates

SCI Surveys Monthly Food Inflation Rates
SCI Surveys Monthly Food Inflation Rates

The Statistical Center of Iran has released a new report, reviewing the price changes in 53 food items during the month ending July 22.  
The biggest month-on-month price rise for a food item in urban areas during the month under review was recorded for onions with 14%, as a kilogram of onions was sold at 59,666 rials (23 cents).
The second and third biggest month-on-month price increases during the period under review were registered for watermelon with 13% and eggs with 11.6%, the Statistical Center of Iran reported.
A kilogram of watermelon was sold at 53,067 rials (21 cents) and a kilogram of eggs went for 215,383 rials (84 cents) last month.


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