Domestic Economy

CAO Opposes Airfare Hike

CAO Opposes Airfare Hike
CAO Opposes Airfare Hike

The Civil Aviation Organization of Iran strongly opposes the airlines’ decision to raise ticket prices, says Mohammad Hassan Zibakhsh, the spokesperson of the organization. 
“All airlines are required to sell tickets at government-mandated prices. Any proposal regarding an increase in airfare must be discussed at the High Council of Civil Aviation Organization and approved by the minister of roads and urban development. None of these stages has been followed yet, airlines have raised the prices without prior approval,” he was quoted as saying by IRNA. 
Local airlines collectively enforced a 40% rise in ticket prices on a single day in the past week. 
“Prices have now returned to previous levels and airlines are obliged to refund passengers,” Zibakhsh was quoted as saying by   

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