Domestic Economy

Tehran Accounts for 44% of All Import Registrations

Tehran Accounts for 44% of All Import Registrations
Tehran Accounts for 44% of All Import Registrations

A total of 16,529 import orders were registered with the Industries, Mining and Trade Organization of Tehran Province in the first two months of the current fiscal year (March 21-May 21), of which 10,599 or 64% were accepted. 
According to Houshang Rezaei-Somarin, the head of the organization’s Trade Department, the country’s registered import orders in the two months stood at 37,613, of which 27,157 or 72% of cases were accepted and 4,494 were rejected. The remaining applications are being processed. 
“Tehran Province accounts for 44% of the total import orders registered in Iran,” he was quoted as saying by IRNA.


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