Domestic Economy

Rail Sector Performance, Roadmap

Railroads have expanded from 10,223 kilometers in 2013 when President Rouhani first took office to 11,773 kilometers at present. The figure is estimated to reach 13,000 kilometers by the end of his second tenure (June 2021)
Rail Sector Performance, Roadmap
Rail Sector Performance, Roadmap

Railroad officials in President Hassan Rouhani’s two-term government pursued rail infrastructure development as one of their main priorities from the onset. 
Railroads have expanded from 10,223 kilometers in 2013 when he first took office to 11,773 kilometers at present. 
The figure is estimated to reach 13,000 kilometers by the end of his second tenure (June 2021), IRNA reported.
The June 18 presidential elections will see a new head of government to replace Hassan Rouhani.


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