Domestic Economy

Tehran Average Home Prices Up 69%

Tehran Average Home Prices Up 69%
Tehran Average Home Prices Up 69%

The average price of each square meter of a residential property in Tehran stood at 287.96 million rials ($1,240) in the second month of the current fiscal year (April 21-May 21), latest data published by the Central Bank of Iran show. 
The rate indicates a surge of 69.7% compared with last year’s same month, as prices averaged 169.72 million rials ($731).
However, home prices in the capital city dropped by 1.8% compared to 293.22 million rials ($1,263) in the first month of the current year. 
A total of 3,938 homes were sold in the capital during the month under review, registering an 88.1% increase compared with the preceding month but a 65.2% decrease compared with the same month of last year...


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