Domestic Economy

80% Decline in Iran Passenger Traffic in Last Fiscal Year

80% Decline in Iran Passenger Traffic in Last Fiscal Year
80% Decline in Iran Passenger Traffic in Last Fiscal Year

The number of passengers traveling to/from Iran registered an 80% decline in the fiscal 2020-21 compared to that of the previous year, according to statistics released by the Islamic Republic of Iran Customs Administration.
About 4.34 million passengers entered Iran, of whom 3.83 million were Iranians and only 512,000 were foreigners, registering a 79.1% year-on-year decline. 
In the period under review, 4.24 million passengers left Iran, registering a 78.8% decline compared with the previous year. 
In other words, the number of incoming and outgoing passengers decreased by 16.40 million and 15.762 million respectively.


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