Domestic Economy

Twofold Increase in Bushehr Port Throughput

Twofold Increase in Bushehr Port Throughput
Twofold Increase in Bushehr Port Throughput

A total of 401,000 tons of commodities were loaded and unloaded in Bushehr Province’s ports during the first month of the current Iranian year (March 21-April 20), showing a twofold rise compared with the similar period of last year.
“Non-oil goods accounted for 284,741 tons of the total throughput, registering a 126% year-on-year rise,” Siavash Arjomandzadeh, director general of Bushehr Ports and Maritime Organization, was quoted as saying by IRNA.
Non-oil exports stood at 246,000 tons during the period, up 179% YOY. 


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