Domestic Economy

Trade With European Union Rebounds

Germany remained the top trading partner of Iran among EU states during January-February, as the two countries exchanged €271.07 million worth of goods
Trade With European Union Rebounds
Trade With European Union Rebounds

Iran's trade with 27 members of the European Union grew by 13.68% during February to reach €421.7 million.
This is while bilateral trade during the first two months of 2021 reached €688 million to post a 7.7% decline compared with the previous year's corresponding period, when they exchanged €741 million worth of goods. 
Statistics extracted from Eurostat's database show Iran exported €74.7 million worth of goods to its EU partners in February, up 17.3%. Imports from the green continent grew by 12.93% to €347 million during the second month of the year.
Germany remained the top trading partner of Iran among EU states during the period, as the two countries exchanged €271.07 million worth of goods, 6.3% less than the corresponding period of the year before. 
The Netherlands came next with €101.2 million worth of trade with Iran to register a 66.3% growth in bilateral trade. 


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