Domestic Economy

Iran Government Plans to Complete Five Rail Projects by August

Iran Government Plans to Complete Five Rail Projects by August
Iran Government Plans to Complete Five Rail Projects by August

The government plans to complete the construction of five rail projects, all of which have so far had more than 50% progress, by the end of its term in August, according to a report released by the Construction and Development of Transportation Infrastructure Company.
These railroad projects stretch for about 649 kilometers.
The first of these projects is the 270-kilometer Yazd-Eqlid railroad, which has had 86% progress so far. The project needs 4 trillion rials ($18.6 million) of investments before it can be completed at the approximate date slated for its inauguration that is late May or early June. 
The railroad is estimated to transport 4 million tons of cargo and 1 million passengers in the first year of its launch.


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