Domestic Economy

Iran: Consumer Prices Up 36%

Annual inflation rate was 36.4% in fiscal 2020-21. Different income deciles faced different inflation challenges ranging from 34.6% for the first decile (lowest income) to 43.5% for the 10th decile (highest income)
Consumer Prices Up 36%
Consumer Prices Up 36%

The average goods and services Consumer Price Index in the 2020-21 fiscal year, increased by 36.4% compared to the corresponding period the year before, the Statistical Center of Iran reported. It put last fiscal’s urban and rural annual inflation at 36.2% and 37.7%, respectively. 
Average CPI (using the Iranian year to March 2017 as base year) was 252.6 -- 250.6 for urban areas, and 263.5 for rural areas, indicating 1.6%, 1.8%, and 0.4% rise, respectively, over the year before. 
Consumer price of the “food, beverages and tobacco” group on average increased by 39% -- for urban areas it was 38.7% and 39.9% in rural areas, indicating 3.6%, 4%, and 2.3% decline compared to the year before. 


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